Enrol for Online Training in Logotherapy

Our courses are accredited by the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis in Vienna. Whether you're just starting out on your Logotherapy journey, a corporate executive, counsellor, clinical psychologist or other mental health professional who would like to become a practicing Logotherapist, then our courses may be right for you.

Courses About Logotherapy

Surrender to Life — A Journey with Dr. Teria Shantall

This episode of Meaningful Conversations with Batya Yaniger and Tani Burton delves into "surrendering to life" with Dr. Teria Shantall, a student of Viktor Frankl. She shares personal stories and insights from Frankl, emphasising the power of surrendering to meaning, guidance, hope, and growth. The episode highlights the resilience of the human spirit and Frankl's legacy of finding meaning, even in suffering.

Founded by Viktor Frankl

The founder of Logotherapy, Dr. Viktor Frankl, was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor. Learn about Frankl's background and career, and how he contributed significantly to the field of humanistic psychology.

About Viktor Frankl

Important notice to all Logotherapists in South Africa

Kindly note that from 1 January 2019, a practicing Logotherapist in South Africa must hold current VFISA membership and, after the first year of qualification, must also hold current membership with The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy of the United States of America (VFILUSA). As the recognised South African Logotherapy Institute, VFISA must ensure that any person who practices Logotherapy, and uses a title related to Logotherapy, has studied an appropriate and recognised Logotherapy course. The implication of this requirement is that any person who practices Logotherapy in South Africa must register for membership with both VFISA and VFILUSA annually.

About Membership Enrol Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I automatically eligible for registration with the HPCSA once I have completed all the courses?

No. Only qualified healthcare workers can register with the HPCSA. Our courses are in addition to tertiary psychology studies, and are necessary if you would like to specialise in Logotherapy within your practice. Our training is not a degree course, nor does it replace full, professional training as a psychologist.

Must I complete a course within a certain timeframe?

No. There is no time limit on courses you have enroled for and the courses do not expire. After you have completed a course you will still have access to the course material for future reference.

What qualifications do I need to register for a course?

You do not need any formal qualifications to enrol for Logotherapy for Optimal Living or Basic Training in Logotherapy. However, the Practical Learning Path courses are progressive, so students must first pass the Basic Training in Logotherapy before continuing onto the advanced courses.

Can Logotherapy be applied in life coaching or in business organisations?

Yes! Logotherapy's application ranges from the classical psychology fields to those of life and business coaching. This includes human resources in the corporate environment.

What is the relationship between Unisa and VFISA?

Unisa previously offered us added infrastructure for training the Advanced and Diplomate courses. Since 2021, VFISA has offered its own internationally-accredited advanced courses for meaning-centred counselling and coaching for mental health professionals and high-ranking educational and corporate executives.

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